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Order for the arrest of Dudley Cooly 12/1/1653 MS 813 132r Dudley Cooly Confederate Kildare
Examination of Edmond McWilliam Fitzgerrald 21/12/1653 MS 817 322r Marcus Cruise Rebel Kildare
Examination of Dominick Cullen 6/7/1642 MS 813 078r Dominick Cullen Deponent Kildare
Examination of Hugh Cullen 6/7/1642 MS 813 078v Hugh Cullen Deponent Kildare
Deposition of Michaell Cusacke 17/3/1642 MS 813 370r Michaell Cusacke Deponent Kildare
Deposition of Francis Dade 21/4/1642 MS 813 358v ffrancis Dade Deponent Kildare
Deposition of Thomas Goulding ex parte Francis Dade 21/4/1642 MS 813 358r ffrancis dade Deponent Kildare
Deposition of Oliver Daverin 22/1/1642 MS 813 287r Oliuer Daverin Deponent Kildare
Deposition of Edward Williamsonn 8/1/1644 MS 813 312r John Dempsy Rebel Kildare
Examination of Dorotye Dermot 1/12/1652 MS 813 117r Dorotye Dermot Deponent Kildare
Deposition of John Dickson 6/4/1642 MS 813 380v John Dickson Deponent Kildare
Examination of Patrick Kelly 6/7/1642 MS 813 078r Richard Dolman Interpreter Kildare
Examination of William Doweling 6/7/1642 MS 813 082r William Doweling Deponent Kildare
Examination of Terence Doyn undated MS 813 107r Terence Doyn Deponent Kildare
Information of Patrick Doyne 5/7/1642 MS 813 065r Patrick doyne Deponent Kildare
Deposition of John Drake 20/1/1642 MS 813 289r John Drake Deponent Kildare
Examination of Dauid Enos 21/2/1654 MS 813 185r Richard Dunn Witness Kildare
Deposition of William East 10/1/1643 MS 813 361r William East Deponent Kildare
Examination of Edward Edmonds undated MS 813 005r Edward Edmonds Deponent Kildare
Deposition of George Elkin and John Harrison 11/1/1642 MS 813 279r George Elkin Deponent Kildare

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