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Examination of Hugh McMahone 3/11/1641 MS 809 084v Hugh mcMahone Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Roger Holland 4/3/1642 MS 834 117r Neale mcquoad Rebel Monaghan
Examination of Patrick Moore 30/10/1641 MS 809 036r Patrick Moore Deponent Monaghan
Examination of William Moore 3/11/1641 MS 809 079r William Moore Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Joane More 3/1/1642 MS 834 129r Joane More Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Dennes Mountgomery 17/11/1642 MS 834 163r Dennes Mountgomery Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of John Mountgomery 26/1/1642 MS 834 130r John Mountgomery Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Elizabeth Northope 3/2/1642 MS 834 136r Elizabeth Northope Deponent Monaghan
Examination of Manus o Cahalan 20/8/1652 MS 834 190r Manus o Cahalan Deponent Monaghan
Information of Hughe oge McMayonn 23/10/1641 MS 809 015r Brian o Nele Rebel Monaghan
Deposition of Agnes Oliver 2/4/1642 MS 834 164r Agnes Oliver Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Elizabeth Patoe 7/1/1644 MS 834 181r Elizabeth Patoe Deponent Monaghan
Untitled Deposition 7/1/1644 MS 834 181v Elizabeth Payto Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of John Ramsay 8/1/1642 MS 834 138r John Ramsay Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Henry Read 12/3/1642 MS 834 139r Henry Read Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Paul Reed 9/8/1643 MS 834 165r Paule Reed Deponent Monaghan
Examination of Paul Reed 14/5/1653 MS 834 186r Pawl Reed Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Isabell Reynolds 5/1/1642 MS 834 140r Isabell Reynolds Deponent Monaghan
Examination of Jane Roberts 17/8/1652 MS 834 188r Jane Roberts Deponent Monaghan
Deposition of Nicholas Simpson 6/4/1643 MS 834 182r Nicholas Simpson Deponent Monaghan

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